And we are baaack! Silver lining of the coronavirus, after 20 months we are reactivating on this blog! While I am working on new content, here’s something interesting to read if you had previously missed it…
The “The Noise Issue” of the Popular Science magazine has a total of 32 sound and audio related articles You can look at the list of articles at their website with excerpts for all. A few of them are in full even, a couple of which I linked to down below…
You can find the issue with the full articles if your local library includes digital magazine subscriptions or you can read it if you have a Netflix-style digital magazine subscription or you can digitally buy the single-issue online, or look for it on eBay and such.
Of potential interest to headphonalia:
- the secret to noise cancelling headphones
- McIntosh’s audio gear factory
- mondegreens, why you mishear song lyrics {apart from singers not singing clearly I presume}
- earplugs for everyday solutions
- hidden hearing loss hitting people of all ages
- Pete Hutchinson restores old music
- ASMR, mechanical keyboards,early recordings, crying babies [no, not on the audio forums!], mysterious sounds, Stradivarius, surround sound, the frog’s …sound signature and MORE
The word of the day is definitely “mondegreens” 🙂